8 Quotes & Sayings By Vince Cable

Vince Cable is a British politician. He was first elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kingston upon Hull West and Hessle at the May 2015 general election. Cable began his career in business, serving as chairman of British Telecom from 1992 to 1996. He became the Liberal Democrat MP for Sheffield, Yorkshire, at the 1997 general election Read more

He was made Business Secretary in the Liberal Democrats' first coalition government (between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats) after the 2010 general election. He held this position until 2010, when he was appointed Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills by Prime Minister David Cameron. Following disagreements within his party over Britain's involvement in airstrikes on Iraq in September 2014, Cable resigned as an MP on 20 October 2014.

We've been a bit too defensive about the European Union rules. We don't want to become protectionist and nationalist in the way we buy things but we think we could do a lot more to promote British business through procurement. Vince Cable
The food in the House of Commons is fairly good. The cafe in Portcullis House is really very high quality, and you also have a choice of eating in the more traditional restaurants, the Churchill Room or the Members' Dining Room. I don't often eat in them, though, as I'm usually on the run. Vince Cable
When my job was attempting to predict future economic developments for the Shell oil company, I was frequently reminded of an Arabic saying: 'Those who claim to foresee the future are lying, even if by chance they are later proved right.' Vince Cable
Small- and medium-sized businesses need access to a diverse range of finance options, including non-bank lending. These new forms of finance are still small in scale today but they should, over time, bring additional choice and greater competition to the lending market. Vince Cable
And humility in politics means accepting that one party doesn't have all the answers recognising that working in partnership is progress not treachery. Vince Cable
I am going to confront the old-fashioned negative thinking which says that all government needs to do to generate growth is cut worker and environmental protections, cut taxes on the rich and stroke 'fat cats' until they purr with pleasure. I'm completely repudiating the idea that government has to get out of the way. Vince Cable
On banks, I make no apology for attacking spivs and gamblers who did more harm to the British economy than Bob Crow could achieve in his wildest Trotskyite fantasies, while paying themselves outrageous bonuses underwritten by the taxpayer. There is much public anger about banks and it is well deserved. Vince Cable